BWA Yachting welcomes BWA Yachting Greece

As announced in early March 2021, BWA Yachting has completed the acquisition of the yacht agency, technical, and provisioning business of A1 Group, and the BWA Yachting tribe would like to wholeheartedly welcome the very experienced team from Greece into its world.
Adding 60 full-time team members to its staff, BWA Yachting will start operating in Greece for the 2022 Mediterranean yachting season, as well as offering our services as usual across all of the offices based on the most popular summer yachting destinations in Greece.
Although joining us to lead the transition seven months ago, George Petsos, the managing director of the Greek agency is otherwise a new face to both the company and the industry, having a professional background comprised of highly demanding roles in other industries. “I am very excited to be leading such a vibrant business with such a skilled team of professionals. I am fully committed to continuing to serve our customers cruising the beautiful Greek waters,” commented Petsos. “To be an integral part of helping BWA Yachting realize their ambitions, fostering our strategic alliances and partnerships, and enabling our employees to ensure BWA Yachting Greece’s success; honouring the past, but with our eyes firmly set on the future.”
BWA Yachting presence in the Eastern Mediterranean
What advantages and benefits will the clients get with this consolidation?
Last but not least, a great team, both locally and centrally based, are a very diverse, committed, trustworthy professional group of people that operate with integrity. They bring both a wide range of skill sets and an agency DNA that runs as far back as 170 years.
Bringing the beautiful cruising grounds of Greece under the BWA Yachting banner and integrating our services will benefit both our customers and our supply chain. From maritime agency and port operations to provisioning and supplies, from logistics to VIP concierge, from technical support to spare parts delivery, our expert team at BWA Yachting Greece is committed to providing you with the assistance you need throughout your stay in Greece and will help you find the perfect solutions for yacht guests or crew.
BWA Yachting is a worldwide yachting services provider that exists to help captains, crew and managers with the increasing demands of managing a modern superyacht. Our global offices stretch throughout the Mediterranean, Northern Europe, Caribbean and the Americas, providing a unique and seamless experience, wherever our clients are cruising. The broad range of marine and hospitality services we offer extends from fully integrated global packages, the handling of a single port call, to last minute specialist concierge requests. We also provide advance itinerary planning and implementation of every aspect of a yacht's trip.
Our global offices provide innovative, joined-up services that simplify lives onboard yachts. We’re always there for crew and guests with the best of our local knowledge, worldwide insight and advice.
BWA Yachting Press
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