Boot Düsseldorf: Wauquiez and Latitude 46 shipyards will present their very last born

For the first time at the Boot Düsseldorf, the Wauquiez and Latitude 46 shipyards will present their very last born, the Pilot Saloon 58 and the Tofinou 10.c, in front of an international audience.
Olivier Racoupeau, the Pilot Saloon 58 naval architect from Berret-Racoupeau Yacht Design, will be at the booth.
The Pilot Saloon 58 (cover photo) and Tofinou 10.c’s presentation at the Boot Düsseldorf will give the public the opportunity to discover these new boats and to magnify the international echo already aroused.
Tofinou 10
This moment will also be the occasion to talk about the new Pilot Saloon 42’s project which is programmed for release in 2018.
Three excellent reasons to stop by the Wauquiez and Latitude 46 booth at the 2017 Boot Düsseldorf.
Z.I. Rue du Vertuquet
59960 Neuville en Ferrain
Rue Elie Barreau
Clothilde DESCHAMPS for Latitude 46 & Wauquiez
Press Officer
ILAGO – Communication Agency
© Copyright 2011-2025 - Nautica Report - Reg. Tribunale di Roma n.314 - 27-12-2013 - Editore Carlo Alessandrelli - Un marchio Wave Promotion srls - P.Iva: 12411241008
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