Cannes Yachting Festival 2023 new models and events
Cannes - Vieux Port & Port Canto from Tuesday 12 to Saturday 16 September from 10 am to 7 pm

Cannes - Vieux Port & Port Canto from Tuesday 12 to Saturday 16 September from 10 am to 7 pm
Since 1977, the Yachting Festival takes place every September in elegant, luxurious surroundings in the sparkling bay of Cannes. As the first show in the boating season, the Yachting Festival is Europe’s leading in-water boating event. The major players in pleasure yachting come here to launch the show season by showcasing their new premiere.
WALLYWHY150 CYF DEBUT Position: Vieux Port SYE 006 With its 23.89-meter length and 150 GT, the wallywhy150 is a flexible yacht, ideal for experienced owners who fully understand and appreciate the skillful use of space, the considerable living areas and its unmistakable personality.
SIRENA 48 WORLD DEBUT Position: Vieux Port QML 059 The Sirena 48 offers three alternative layouts for the spacious aft cockpit and stern area – a rarity in boats under the 50ft mark. Even before the world premiere, the shipyard has sold 18 hulls to date.
GRAND SOLEIL 65LC AND GRAND SOLEIL 72LC WORLD DEBUTS Position: Port Canto Sail 190 In the year of its 50th anniversary, Cantiere del Pardo will showcase two new sailing models from Grand Soleil brand for their world debut: the Grand Soleil 65 and the Grand Soleil 72, both in the Long Cruise version.
CENTOUNONAVI VESPRO WORLD DEBUT Position: Vieux Port QSP 009 WORLD DEBUT for the very first CENTOUNONAVI model put into water, the VESPRO 55'. The innovative 16.50 m powerful fast cruiser is credited with a top speed of 56 knots and can cruise at 50 knots while consuming only 8 l/nm.
QUICK SPA AND SANGUINETI CHIAVARI, A THREE YEAR OUTLOOK Position: Palais des Festivals 050 Following its acquisition by the Quick Group, Sanguineti Chiavari,the historic Ligurian company specializing in the design and production of complex components for large pleasure boats, presents its strategic three-year plan, projected to 2026.
OTAM 70 HT UNIT #3 WORLD DEBUT Position: Vieux Port QML 063 Third unit of the OTAM 70HT is the epitome of the dynamic performance and timeless style that has made the iconic Italian brand instantly recognizable around the world.
HP WATERMAKERS SCA 540 WORLD DEBUT Position: Palais des Festivals 063 HP Watermakers will present, for the first time, this new model, which raises the bar significantly in terms of production capacity and energy savings; additionally, its size and weight are very small.
DENISON YACHTING UNVEILS NEW AEGEAN YACHT PROJECTS Position: Vieux Port on board the Aegean Explorer 26m superyacht Denison Yachting will host a press conference on board the first hull of the Aegean Explorer 26m series, where they will unveil the second hull, currently on sale and scheduled for delivery in 2024. Additionally, they will showcase the new Aegean Yacht’s 37m project, Tempest, designed by Riza Tansu. PRESS EVENT Wednesday September 13 1pm on board the Aegean Explorer 26m superyacht Superyacht Extension
INVICTUS TT420 VOGUE WHITE WORLD DEBUT Position: Vieux Port QML 172 The taut, essential lines of this new 42-footer are distinctive of Invictus hulls, combining style and attention to performance and completing one of the Italian shipyard's most successful ranges.
CAPOFORTE SX200 COLLEZIONE WORLD DEBUT Position: Vieux Port QML 315 The three SX200 units will have an eye-catching Grigio Gesso grey livery, extended to the hull and deck and combined with the classic and very elegant Cognac upholstery.
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