Olympic Yacht Show 2023: the award-winning yachting event returns to Olympic Marine

- The boat show will take place on October 19-22, 2023 at Olympic Marine in Lavrio, Greece
- The exhibition highlights new premium yachts for sale
ONDECK Events is pleased to announce the organisation of the 3rd OLYMPIC YACHT SHOW, an event dedicated to the premium yacht category. Building upon the success of last year's event, the yachting business scene in Greece is set to reconvene for an even grander and more affluent gathering.
The event will take place between 19th and 22nd October 2023 at the modern and renovated facilities of Olympic Marine in Lavrio. Similar to last year, it is expected to garner significant interest from both Greece and abroad. The main goal of the show is to establish itself as a productive communication platform for the medium and large yacht categories.
More specifically, the OLYMPIC YACHT SHOW highlights new yachts for sale belonging to the premium yacht category. It stands as the sole yachting event in Greece with a distinct focus on medium and mega yachts, as well as the thriving industry that revolves around them.
The foremost companies in the industry will have a robust presence in both the onshore and floating areas, set within a well-organised and elegantly designed environment. Within this context, special arrangements have been made to accommodate large category yachts, including luxury ribs and luxury day cruisers.
The premium in-water show, which took place for the first time last October at Olympic Marine in Lavrio, positioned Greece at the epicentre of international interest, drawing over 15,000 visitors from Greece and around the globe. It stands as the singular yachting event in Greece that concentrates on high-calibre tourism and the thriving business associated with the yachting industry.
Drawing upon a wealth of extensive experience in the field of motor yachts and international events, ONDECK Media & Events is fully immersed in the preparations for the premier organisation of the 3rd OLYMPIC YACHT SHOW, slated to be held between 19th and 22nd October 2023 at the state-of-the-art facilities of Olympic Marine.
In strong collaboration with prominent companies in the industry, the 3rd OLYM
The event possesses a robust international profile, leading to considerable interest and confirmed participation from members of foreign yachting houses and boatyards.
The Olympic Yacht Show is held under the auspices of the Ministry of Shipping and Island Policy, the Ministry of Tourism, the Greek National Tourism Organization (GNTO), the Region of Attica, the Hellenic Chamber of Shipping, the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Piraeus Chamber of Commerce & Industry, and the Municipality of Lavreotiki.
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