Spirit Yachts - The Ultimate Modern Classic
Established in Suffolk in 1993

Established in Suffolk in 1993
Spirit Yachts has 29 years’ experience designing and building modern classic yachts. Operating from its waterside premises in Ipswich, Spirit Yachts is led by CEO and renowned yacht designer Sean McMillan, who has a portfolio of wooden sail and power yacht designs from 37’ to 100’+ superyachts, including custom projects.
Hand-crafted by Spirit’s team of skilled craftsmen and women using wood-epoxy construction, Spirit yachts are immensely strong yet lightweight. Spirit’s sophisticated classic design paired with the latest in modern build techniques and technology offers a carefully considered balance for both performance racing and blue water cruising.
Famed for elegant beauty combined with racing performance and structural integrity, Spirit yachts are designed and built in-house in a seamless, unified process. Combined with many years of experience, Spirit’s holistic approach offers a unique combination of creativity, innovation, practicality and excellent customer service.
“Spirit is an appropriate name for the yard. Its relative youth, however, means that its ethos easily embraces the strengths of old and new techniques, building true modern classics.”
Spirit Classic
Spirit Classic sailing yachts epitomise style and performance derived from a classic design constructed using modern techniques and materials.
The long, slender hull design, clean lines and modern deck hardware of a Spirit Classic result in a supremely elegant yacht, which can successfully compete on the classic racing circuit. Carbon spars and options for the latest in sail design offer opportunities for ultimate performance.
Sophistication and speed are married with simple, yet stylish accommodation and a spacious cockpit and aft deck. As with any Spirit yacht, owners are welcome to specify interior layout and furnishings to suit lifestyle.
Spirit Deckhouse
Spirit Deckhouse yachts retain the charming elegance of a Spirit Classic with alterations to the design to provide options for comfortable long distance cruising or live aboard. The Deckhouse design includes a raised coachroof.
The deckhouse design includes a raised coachroof, which provides invaluable protection from the weather on long distance passages. A navigation table built within the deckhouse allows the navigator to view the chart and the horizon simultaneously.
Extra volume down below allows increased options for layout differentiation; including the possibility for additional accommodation for visiting friends or family. From the interior aspect, the deckhouse allows more natural light down below and increased visibility on either side.
Spirit Power
Spirit Yachts has been designing and building power yachts since 1999 and has applied the impressive power to weight performance of the sailing yachts to its range of modern classic motor yachts.
Modern hull designs paired with the latest options on engines and the iconic, elegant lines synonymous with Spirit sailing yachts offer a range of possibilities for performance cruising and long distance voyages. The build method used by Spirit results in a lower construction weight comparable to other power yachts.
This weight advantage gives owners the option to have smaller, lighter engines producing the same performance or larger engines giving greater performance. Lower overall weight also contributes to greater fuel efficiency than other builders can offer.
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