The Ocean Race: Aarhus In-Port Race set for Sunday showdown
11th Hour Racing Team looks to extend lead in In-Port series as the VO65s make their return
11th Hour Racing Team looks to extend lead in In-Port series as the VO65s make their return
Conditions in Aarhus have been incredible so far during the stopover and the sunny skies are forecast to continue into Sunday's In-Port Race. Crowds have been enjoying the warmth and the city of smiles has been living up to its name.
Sunday's In-Port Race marks the return of the VO65 fleet as they resume the VO65 Sprint. After racing from Alicante to Cabo Verde in January, the fleet returns with some familiar faces and new sailors getting a first opportunity on the world's greatest crewed offshore race.
The Ocean Race 2022-23 - 29 May 2023. Arrivals Leg 5 in Aarhus, Denmark. Team Malizia arrive to Aarhus. © Sailing Energy / The Ocean Race
For the IMOCA fleet, the In-Port Race series leaderboard acts as a tie-breaking mechanism for the overall results in The Ocean Race. With the points table for the race being so close at the top, results here are very important.
11th Hour Racing Team leads this series and has never finished lower than second place in the four races to date. But despite that impressive streak, they are only one point clear of Team Malizia, while Team Holcim-PRB sits a further 6 points back.
The Ocean Race 2022-23 - 29 May 2023. Leg 5 arrivals in Aarhus, Denmark. 11HRT have crossed the finish line to win Leg 5 and become the new leader in the overall standings. Arrival : 29/05/2023 02:56:49 UTC Race time : 7d 08h 41min 49s. © Sailing Energy / The Ocean Race
The VO65 fleet kicks things off on Sunday with racing starting at 12.10 local time (10.10 UTC). Then it will be the IMOCAs at 14.15 local time (12.15 UTC).
The forecast is for a light sea breeze of 4 to 7 knots, which should get more established as the day progresses.
How to follow - where to watch
If you're lucky enough to be in Aarhus, come down to Ocean Live Park in Havnepladsen to catch the action or follow along on Event TV.
In most of Europe, Africa, the Middle East and many parts of Asia, Sunday's In-Port Race will be available live or on demand on the Eurosport App or discovery+ player (subscribe via or or see detailed country information below).
Coverage is available live or on demand in the USA and other non-Eurosport territories on The Ocean Race YouTube channel.
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Cover photo The Ocean Race 2022-23 - 29 May 2023. Official opening of the Ocean Live Park in Aarhus. VO65 parade, as they rejoins the race for the The Ocean Race VO65 Sprint Cup. WindWhisper Racing Team, Team JAJO and Austrian Ocean Racing - Team Genova. © Sailing Energy / The Ocean Race
© Copyright 2011-2024 - Nautica Report - Reg. Tribunale di Roma n.314 - 27-12-2013 - Editore Carlo Alessandrelli - Un marchio Wave Promotion srls - P.Iva: 12411241008
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