The Ocean Race Summits return to Newport, RI, USA, to shine a light on ocean health

Summit series event in September will give a platform to leading voices with a focus on collaborative solutions that restore ocean health and abundance.
The next edition of The Ocean Race Summits will be an engaging, interactive, virtual conference, based out of Newport, RI, where the Summit concept was pioneered over five years ago during a stopover of the 2014-15 edition of The Ocean Race.
Subsequently developed in collaboration with 11th Hour Racing, the Premier Partner of the Race, The Ocean Race Summits are uniquely positioned to give a voice to the ocean, and the advocates and experts working to restore this critical resource.
On September 16, from 10am to 1pm EDT (1600-1900 CEST), hosts Danni Washington (marine biologist, TV host and science communicator), Liz Bonnin (biochemist, wild animal biologist and TV presenter) and Niall Myant-Best (presenter and host for The Ocean Race) will lead lively conversations with a diverse group of accomplished leaders and youth changemakers, including:
The Ocean Race Summits are a series of events focussed on solutions promoting the restoration of ocean health. Ainhoa Sanchez/The Ocean Race
José María Figueres (Former President of Costa Rica, former Managing Director and CEO of World Economic Forum, and Co-Founder of Ocean Unite); Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee); Mark Towill (CEO, 11th Hour Racing Team); Peter Burling (Founder of Live Ocean and Olympic gold medalist, America’s Cup winner, and podium finisher in The Ocean Race); Philippe Cousteau (Earth Echo International); Karen Sack (Ocean Unite); Michelle Bender (Earth Law Center), Dr. Carlie Wiener (Schmidt Ocean Institute); and Dr. Mark Baumgartner (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), as well as other special guests.
Topics to be examined in Newport include a look at how the values of ocean racing can be applied to the challenge of ocean health restoration; the promotion of Marine Protected Areas; how to unite behind the science and continue to innovate blue technologies; ocean impact investment; and tackling the communications gap as it relates to science and restoring our marine environment.
The Summit in Newport also features eight Action Labs, where registered participants will join the conversation and make their contributions during deep dive sessions into areas critical to the health of our planet: Youth for 30x30; Intersectional Environmentalism; Blue Tech and Innovation; Relaunching Ocean Science; Who Speaks for the High Seas; The Future of Seafood; Polar Focus; and Funding Ocean Health Restoration.
“These times of unprecedented change demonstrate who the true leaders of this world are, and at The Ocean Race Summit in Newport we are honoured to welcome some of the finest,” said Richard Brisius, Race Chairman of The Ocean Race. “These are leaders who share our dream of an ocean as healthy and abundant as it used to be, and who are taking real and concrete action to make the dream a reality.
The Ocean Race Summits #2 streamed live from The Hague with participants from all around the world. The Ocean Race
“The positive feedback from The Ocean Race Summit in May was overwhelming. We launched a new live interactive format for The Hague and the participants told us the event set a new benchmark for virtual summits.
“As a team we look forward to once again delivering an outstanding and meaningful Summit, with a revised format that further improves the opportunity for participants to engage with the topics and contribute solutions and lessons learned from their own experiences.”
The Summit in Newport will bring together a diverse group of ocean conservation experts and advocates, with a wide range of expertise, to identify solutions and facilitate meaningful action towards the restoration of our ocean.
Participation in the Summit is by invitation, but most sessions will be streamed live for public viewing on and will be made available on demand following the Summit.
The Ocean Race Summits event in Newport is the latest in a series, building off the initial Summit in Newport in 2015 and continuing through the next edition of The Ocean Race, scheduled for 2022-23.
Cover photo 11th Hour Racing Team crosses the North Atlantic en route to Newport, RI, USA. The next of The Ocean Race Summits will be a virtual, online event based out of Newport. Amory Ross | 11th Hour Racing
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