Golden Globe Race - DAY 295: Jean-Luc Van Den Heede crowned at GGR prizegiving
Dateline: 22/04/2019, Les Sables d’Olonne, France

Dateline: 22/04/2019, Les Sables d’Olonne, France
- Thousands drawn to the open air presentation in Les Sables d'Olonne
Podium winners: left to right: Uku Randmaa (3rd) Jean-Luc Van Den Heede (1st) Mark Slats (2nd)
And all but two of Van Den Heede's rivals made the pilgrimage to the Race finish port to applaud his performance in besting Sir Robin's original circumnavigation by 100 days aboard his Rustler 36 Matmut. 5th placed Finnish skipper Tapio Lehtinen is still more than 2,000 miles from the finish, but made a live satellite call broadcast to the thousands of spectators thronged the open-air seafront presentation. "I'm maximising on my entry fee for this race and enjoying every minute of the Race." he joked.
Sir Robin also joined the celebrations via a live link from Falmouth to congratulate everyone, saying that their efforts have inspired so many people around the world to challenge themselves in this and other adventures.
Winners with the GGR Perputual trophy made from wood salvaged from the original Suhaili. Left: Yannick Moreau - Mayor of Les Sables d'Olonne Aglomoration. Right: Don McIntyre, Chairman of the 2018 GGR
WINNER GGR 2018 Jean-Luc VDH (FRA) Matmut 211D 23H 12MSuhaili timber perpetual model and trophy model
RALF TECH Winners' watch
BOATSHED.COM £5000 winners purse
2nd: Mark Slats (NED) Ohpen Maverick 216D 00H 18M
Trophy model of Suhaili
3rd: Uku Randmaa (EST) One and All 254D 18H 40M
Trophy model of Suhaili1st Corinthian (Unsponsored) entry trophy
4th :Istvan Kopar (USA/HUN) 264D 01H 38M
Susie Goodall (GBR): Kay Kottee Trophy for First Woman in 2018 GGR
Tapio Lehtinen (FIN): McIntyre Adventure Spirit of GGR Trophy
Susie Goodall receives the Kay Cottee Trophy from Yannick Moreau and Don McIntyre
2022 GGR
Already, 20 sailors from 10 Countries have signed up to compete in the next Golden Globe Race slated to start on 4th September 2022, and many more have expressed an interest to compete.
Lessons learned from sailing small yachts in extreme conditions
Sir Robin Knox-Johnston also published his long awaited Report considering the tessons learned from sailing small yachts in extreme conditions including the 5 dismastings suffered during the 2018 GGR.
Click here to download the Report
Other competitors
Chichester Class
1. Igor Zaretskiy (RUS) Endurance 35 Esmeralda - stopped in Albany, W Australia
Ertan Beskardes (GBR) Rustler 36 Lazy Otter
Kevin Farebrother (AUS) Tradewind 35 Sagarmatha
Nabil Amra (PAL) Biscay 36 Liberty II
Philippe Péché (FRA) Rustler 36 PRB
Antoine Cousot (FRA) Biscay 36 Métier Intérim
Are Wiig (NOR) OE32 Olleanna
Abhilash Tomy (IND) Suhaili replica Thuriya
Gregor McGuckin (IRE) Biscay 36 Hanley Energy Endurance
Francesco Cappelletti (ITA) Endurance 35 007
Loïc Lepage (FRA) Nicholson 32 Laaland
Susie Goodall (GBR) Rustler 36 DHL Starlight
Mark Sinclair (AUS) Lello 34 Coconut
How to follow the race
Mobile tracking APP:
Skippers soundcloud:
Barry Pickthall
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